About Us

The ULCM Chaplain, George Freeman, has presided over the Monastery for some decades, continuing in the ULC tradition of fighting for religious freedom and offering shelter, counseling, and food. He has led legal fights for nationwide marriage equality and for state recognition of ULC-officiated marriages, ensuring equal access to marriage no matter who you are and who you love. The Rectory, sitting above Lake Union, is a full-fledged religious institution that hosts our congregants’ sacred and joyful moments. Celebrations, weddings, and Sacramental dinners for the congregation are held here.

Every detail and aspect of The Rectory is designed to Br. Freeman’s vision. His inspiration guided The Rectory’s transformation from a simple two-story bungalow to the awe-inspiring steel and glass neon tower you see today.

The Rectory Science is God sign

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